Cashed-Up! - Cash Management
IngPro Ltd has designed a suite of new tools to focus on Cash in a manufacturing environment.
The unique, new, Cashed-Up! Product from IngPro Ltd, starts with a Cash Dashboard.
We are experienced Manufacturing Directors and Consultants who have worked through various recessions in the UK as well as globally. We know how crucial cash can be to the survival of a business. It is easy to say that a business must improve its cash performance, but it is the technical know-h
ow of manufacturing and supply chains that will enable a business to make significant improvements in its cash flow, whilst maintaining, or even improving, profitability and customer satisfaction.The unique, new Cashed-Up! Product from IngPro Ltd, starts with a Cash Dashboard to simply and easily shows you;
- Your Cash Flow Forecast
- Working Capital KPIs
- Your Cash Conversion Cycle
- Your Cash Intensity Map
Using the Cash Dashboard and focusing on what you need to achieve as a business, is the basis for producing a detailed action plan, to have the best impact in the shortest possible time.
The implementation will focus on improving the whole business cash performance and will highlight where decisions have to be made between balancing Cash, Profit and business risk.
This whole consultancy is delivered remotely, to reduce risk to your teams. Improvement modules will be delivered using remote coaching, with each session lasting approximately 1 hour. No longer will you be tied down to having consultants spending days on-site. Our experienced business coaches will support the agreed change plan remotely, delivered at a pace suitable to you.
We believe that manufacturing companies will be challenged for cash for the next 2 years at least. IngPro is the only Manufacturing Consultancy to deliver the new Cashed-Up! process focused entirely on helping your business improve its cash position.
IngPro Ltd are specialists in manufacturing. We can help you look at scenarios and develop your cash strategy and mitigate the risks associated with poor cash flow.
Enquire today for help with Cash Flow in your Manufacturing business.
We Can Help You By
- Creating a unique “Cash Dashboard” using your company data
- Using the Cash Dashboard to create action plans for your business to improve cash performance
- Remotely delivering our services
- Remotely deliver monthly Training to your staff to explain key principles
- Remotely Support and Mentor your staff to deliver the results